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4 fully-featured input channels, with voltage control over LEVEL, PAN
positionand AUX SEND level.
Pop-Free Muting | Cueing | Soloing. (long press on the LED Mute Switch
enables SOLO for selected channel).
-3dB compensated "constant power" pan law.
Stereo Aux Return with level control ("L/Mono" return normalized to "R"
return for Mono if "R" is unpatched). Extra gain available for outboard
"Cue Mix" output available for use as pre-listen, a second FX send
channel, alternate mix, etc...
AUX send can be switched to PRE or POST fader for each of the four
channels. -10dB pad available for aux send via jumper.
Loud and super clean stereo headphone driver allows monitoring of either
"Main Mix" or "Cue Mix" which allows for previewing input sources before
adding them to the Main Mix. This can also be used to link to line level
TRS outboard recording/processing devices, stereo send, etc...
Independent level control of both headphone and main mix.
Master volume control and dual 5-segment VU metering.
Efficient design. Relatively low power consumption and very low-noise/
low distortion audio path. Audio AC coupled through low-distortion "audio
grade" film capacitors and a very low-noise opamp.
- 24HP Eurorack format
- 1.375"/ 35mm deep
- +200/-120mA average current draw