Recycle Your Gear
We are always open to deals for new or used gear. Just let us know what you have and what you are looking to get for it, and we will do our best to work out a fair deal for all.
As a general measure, we generally offer around 50% in store credit for what things sell for on the open market. We also have a consignment program where you can dictate the price of the units and we will handle all of the advertising, packing, shipping, and follow up with the customers in exchange for a portion of the selling price.
For all consignment items the seller will receive 75% of the sales price less shipping and payment processing fees (3-6% depending on the payment type), if they are opting for a cash payout. If the consigner prefers store credit they will receive 80% of the sales price less shipping and payment processing fees.
Cash payments will be made to the consigner via Paypal, and store credit payments will be made as a digital gift card / Detroit Modular store credit code.
Please contact us with a list of items that you are wishing to consign and the prices that you would like to list them for.