Legendary Analog VCO/VCF/VCA Module for Eurorack
Amazing VCO/VCF/VCA module from the '80s
Authentic reproduction of original "System 100M" circuitry
Complete synth voice with internal patched signal flow for ease of use
VCO features 3 selectable waveforms (triangle, ramp and square with PWM)
VCO offers pitch control over a wide range plus 1 audio output and 2 CV inputs
VCF features cutoff, frequency and resonance controls plus 2 audio inputs and 2 CV inputs
Oscillator PWM with manual and external CV control
VCA features gain control plus 2 audio inputs, 2 audio outputs (low/high) and 2 CV inputs
17 controls and switches give you real-time access to all important parameters
Eurorack specs: 16 HP, 60 mA +12 V, 50 mA -12 V