Overall Features:
- 8 Gate Generators (4 Complex Lanes & 4 Simple Lanes)
- 7 Gate Inputs
- 1 Clock Input for Syncing GateStorm to an external clock
- Includes TAP TEMPO button as well
- 4 Local Gate Inputs
- 2 Global Gate Inputs (1 with integrated button to use when not patched)
- 6 CV Inputs with Attenuator (Normalized to DC voltage)
- 8 Gate Outputs (0-10V) with Integrated White LEDs
- 320×240 High Contrast LCD screen
- 1 Rotary Encoder with Pushbutton for Data Entry
- 15 Buttons for Various Parameter Entry
- USB connection on rear for Firmware Updating
- 24 HP
- Skiff Friendly (Very shallow)
- Power: +12v/-12v
- Based on ChibiOS RTOS
Common Features for Lanes:
- Time base settings from /16 to *16 off master clock rate
- Pulse Width settings form 1/32 to 1/1 (1/32 can be used for trigger)
- Sync or Free running
- Sync mode means changes ONLY occur at master clock boundaries
Complex Lane Features:
- 1-16 Step Length
- Forward, Backwards, Palindrome or One-Shot Operation
Simple Lane Features:
- Clk Density Function (Full Clock, or between 0% to 95% random)
- Logic Operations with ALL 8 Channels
- Invert any channel
- Fully Customizable CV Matrix (Any CV to any INDIVIDUAL Lane Parameters:
Common Lane CV/Gate Destinations:
- Pulse Width
- Time Base
- Global Reset Trigger
- Global Random Trigger
- Global Transport Pause
Complex Lane CV/Gate Destinations:
- Rotate Steps
- Length Steps
- Local Trigger Reset
- Local Trigger Random
Simple Lane CV/Gate Destinations:
- Logic Mode
- Source A
- Source B
- Density
Global CV/Gate Destinations (Outside of Single Lane Settings):
- Rotate Outputs (Also has output locking to prevent certain lanes from rotating)
- Preset Changing
- CVBus (Used Mungo/MacroMachines Mechanism)
- Absolute CV Value (Preset 1-8)
- Incremental CV Value (Steps presets, 1,2,3,4 in circle, wraps around)
- Global Trigger Reset (Resets ALL lanes)
- Global Trigger Random (Randomizes ALL lanes)
- Global Trigger Pause (Pauses Only Lanes with Pause Active)
Additional Features of Note:
- 10 to 400 BPM
- 16 Banks of 8 Presets Each (Last Bank Used Loads on Restart)
- Shallow Menus, All Functions Labelled (Most 2 deep)
- Template System (8 Templates) for Creating Custom Starting Points
- Template 1 is used as Reset Values for System
- Macro functions to speed up making changes (or copying values across lanes)
- Global operations to change settings for all lanes at once.
- Transport control for stop/start/pause on selected lanes
- Lanes can be muted from one of the menus
Random system PER patch, FULLY flexible PER lane:
- Complex Lane Steps can be Full random, Euclidean or Euclidean with Offset.
- Random Setting Matrix Page makes for easy visual of random settings
- Random constraint system allows controlling WHICH enumerated random values are selected from.
- Mod Matrix page shows ALL modulations (in real time) for easier configuration
- CV graph on main page for easily seeing CV values coming in unmodified
- CV value range of effect can be set PER modulation, both positive OR negative
- Entire CV/Trig system can be disabled for making changes and not having the system changing modulations like patch switching at the same time.
System Settings:
- Built in System clock divider to handle faster system clocks
- Clock averaging settings (takes multiple samples) smooths out syncing of the clock (can do 1, 2, 4 or 8 samples)
- ADC Smoothing, Slewing and Hysteresis System. Can be tuned for user expectation.
- Step/Wiper color schemes
- Display Brightness Settings
- 24HP
- 110 mA +12V
- 20 mA -12V