Pulses can be programmed using the 4 x 12 matrix. The “n” row selects the number of consecutive stages for rows A, B and C. Rows A, B and C can independently programmed using the two encoder knobs.
The 242t can be externally clocked using the red “clk in” jack. External pulses can also reset the end stage using the red “rst in” jack. “ALL OUT” sends out a continuous pulse train no matter what is programmed in the matrix. It is a direct output of the pulser. “MATRIX” sends out individual pulse patterns as programmed in the matrix. “ALTER” these two jacks send out alternating pulses—great for ping ponging. The gray jack sends out a continuous ramp wave generated by the pulser, great to send to open a 292t.
Notes: When the external clock (Clock In) is active, the “ramp” and "all out“ outputs remain controlled by the internal clock, as defined in the Period section. At the back of the module, a jumper sets the pulse length: "Short" uses the pulser’s brief internal pulse width or the CLK input pulse width, while "Long" fixes it to 1 millisecond. The factory default is "Long," recommended for compatibility with most Eurorack modules.
“INPUTS” These top two jacks can receive an external pulse to either start or stop the internal clock.
The “period” section controls the rate/speed of the internal clock which drives the pulse matrix. Incoming CV to the left hand attenuverter knob can increase or decrease the rate selected by the right hand oset knob. The oset rate goes from audio rate speed (.002) to 10 seconds (or much longer) per stage.
Above the matrix are manual stop, single pulse and start buttons.
The lower left knob scrolls through the vertical rows, the lower right knob scrolls through the horizontal rows. The on/o button activates or clears the chosen pulse point and a long press clears the matrix.
Size: 16HP - Depth: 45mm - Power: +12V 130mA / -12V 19mA